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Basic Policy for Promoting Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors

The Resona Group has established the Basic Policy for Promoting Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors to proactively promote constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors from the perspectives of generating sustainable growth and increasing corporate value over the medium- to long-term. The key points of the policy are as follows.


The Basic Policy for Promoting Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors, etc. (hereinafter “Shareholders”) (hereinafter the “Basic Policy”), determines the policy concerning systems and initiatives of the Company for the following purposes:

  1. 1.Obtain the accurate understanding, confidence and fair evaluation of the Group’s management strategy and financial condition from Shareholders; and
  2. 2.Facilitate the Group’s sustained growth and improve corporate value over the medium- to long-term through constructive dialogue with Shareholders.

Personnel Having Dialogue with Shareholders

The President and Representative Executive Officer and the Executive Officer in charge of the Finance and Accounting Division shall supervise the overall dialogue with Shareholders and make every effort to ensure that it is constructive. In addition to the aforementioned persons engaging in shareholder dialogue themselves, they may appoint others to join in such dialogue when it is deemed appropriate and necessary to do so in order to properly address shareholders’ requests and interests in light of subjects up for discussion.

Internal Arrangements for Supporting Dialogue

To make dialogue with Shareholders constructive, the Finance and Accounting Division shall support the persons having dialogue with Shareholders in coordination with various departments of each Group company so that such persons can provide Shareholders with accurate information based on their interests over the medium- to long-term.

Efforts to Diversify Forms of Dialogue

Constructive dialogue with Shareholders shall be conducted in various forms, including general shareholders’ meetings, individual interviews, financial results briefings, phone conferences concerning financial results briefings and shareholder seminars. Dialogue shall be conducted from diverse viewpoints to make it substantial in consideration of Shareholders’ interests over the medium- to long-term.

Feedback to the Company

The Executive Officer in charge of the Finance and Accounting Division shall submit a report on Shareholders’ opinions, interests and concerns to the Board of Directors on a regular and timely basis and in an appropriate manner. The Board of Directors may, at any time, ask the Executive Officer in charge of the Finance and Accounting Division to explain the details of its dialogue with Shareholders.

Management of Insider Information

On the occasion of dialogue with Shareholders, undisclosed important information shall not be disclosed to any specific persons in accordance with the “Information Disclosure Regulations” to be separately established.