Resona Group's Brand Identity
Group Name

The Resona Group's corporate name was derived from the Latin word (resonus) meaning "resonate" or "resound" in English. We attach great importance to customers' voice. By adopting the corporate name Resona, we want to express our desire to build stronger ties with our customers by "resonating" or "resounding" with them.
Group Logo

We designed our Group Logo to suggest the resonance between the "R" in Resona and the "R" in the Group's key word "Regional." We then enclosed the two "Rs" inside a perfect circle to express a sense of security and trust.
The Group Logo expresses our desire to build stronger ties with customers by "resonating" or "resounding" with them.
Group Colors
We chose green and orange as our Group Colors. Green suggests "gentleness" and "transparency" and orange creates a sense of "familiarity" and "warmth."